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We are about transforming existing technology to suite your needs. To this end, we help you organize and retool usage of software. We at times strive to achieve this without writing a single line of code.

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Product Development

Our labs are still busy creating awesome web+mobile apps for consumers and businesses alike! Await details...

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Vision Implementors

We want to bring your ideas to reality. It could be a product based on web, mobile(sms, Android, iOS, Windows), desktop (Windows, Windows App, MAC OSX). We will be ready to make it a reality.

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Services:  We are here to help you!

Be it for getting help to make your business more efficient through IT technologies, training your staff or bringing your visions to reality we are there to make it happen!

Our Core Philosophy:  We are technologists, not just engineers. Product by technology is more important than mere usage of it

We see technology as an enabler for greater things. We believe in understanding and creating an awesome product above mystifying or confusing people with technological jargon. We understand the importance of user experience and product features than talking about how awesome our technology is. We would bring in design consultants, hire user testing labs, making sure all above else, you have an awesome product to show and is backed by appropriate technology! If we do talk about our selves as geeks, it is to only show our usage of technology to bring out the best in your product.

Clients:  Our list of visionaries

Xeno Investments (PVT) Limited

Founding Director

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Suranga D. Wijeratne is a graduate of Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology and has been working in the software industry since 2005.

Through out his career he has played the part of a Software Engineer, Product Owner and Lead Software Engineer. Has a passion for photography and arts.

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